For visiting to Medina Azahara, you must decide how you want it.
Medina Azahara or ‘Beautiful Town’ is one of the main archaeological sites in Spain. This complex was founded as seat of the Caliph of Córdoba, but soon turned into an authentic monumental city which has been left undisturbed after a thousand years.
Take a trip to the Azahara Medina, just a short trip from Córdoba, for a fascinating guided tour of this historic site. Explore the incredible architecture of this palace-city, built as the Caliphate of Cordoba's seat of government in the 10th century.
Book your visit in our booking web system. For addresses beginning with HTTPS all information sent to this site, is encrypted and protected against disclosure to third parties. This also guarantees the integrity of the data being sent over the Net.

Details of the visit
PRICE PER VISIT / GROUP:: 180€ (VAT included).
** The price of this tour will be of 210€ on Saturdays and public holidays.
GUIDED TOUR BY THE CORDOBA OFFICIAL GUIDES: Accompaniment during the whole visit by an Official Guide of Córdoba.
DURATION: 3 hours aprox.
LANGUAGES: Spanish, English, French.
SCHUTTLE BUS: It will be necessary to carry cash (3,00€) for the internal shuttle bus of Medina Azahara.
TICKETS: EU citizens - Free. Rest 1,50 €
HOW TO PAY: Paying everything in advance, by credit card (except AMEX) or bank transfer.
MORE INFORMATION: Phone:+34 699 34 11 42